- http://weblogs.asp.net/podwysocki/archive/2008/10/13/functional-net-linq-or-language-integrated-monads.aspx: "Simply put, a monad, unlike your normal function results, stores function results and side-effect representations. This allows side effects to be propagated through the return values of functions without breaking the pure functional model."
- http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/64th1/monads_in_python_in_production_code_you_can_and/c02u9mb: "For example, it is possible to write out messages in a purely functional way using a monad. The idea is, instead of just returning a value, you return a value and the string that you want to write to the screen. Why do it that way, instead of just writing out to the screen? Because that way, your functions don't have side-effects, you preserve referential transparency, and you -- and more importantly, your compiler -- can reason about your code algebraically, allowing it to simplify your code the way you would an equation."
- http://www.haskell.org/tutorial/monads.html, "What [Monads] really provide is modularity. That is, by defining an operation monadically, we can hide underlying machinery in a way that allows new features to be incorporated into the monad transparently."
- http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/lehre/SS09/PI02/docs/monaden.pdf, "Monaden sind einfach eine Möglichkeit, Funktionen elegant miteinander zu kombinieren, bei denen es auf Grund ihrer Typen zu Problemen bei der Benutzung der normalen Funktionskomposition kommt."
- http://www.algorithm.com.au/downloads/talks/monads-are-not-scary/monads-are-not-scary-chak.pdf, “Monads are a programming pattern for library APIs. […] What kind of libraries benefit from monads? Answer: Libraries that manipulate contextual information. Contextual information is implicit and the monad hides it.”
- http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/Going+Deep/Brian-Beckman-Dont-fear-the-Monads/ (sehr empfehlenswertes Video zur funktionalen Programmierung im Allgemeinen und Monaden im Besonderen)
- http://leibnizdream.wordpress.com/2008/10/21/why-use-computation-workflows-aka-monads-in-f/
- http://www.paul-abraham.com/MonadsInFSharp.doc
- http://blogs.msdn.com/wesdyer/archive/2008/01/11/the-marvels-of-monads.aspx
- http://codebetter.com/blogs/matthew.podwysocki/archive/2009/01/28/much-ado-about-monads-maybe-edition.aspx
- http://www.aboutcode.net/2008/01/14/Async+WebRequest+Using+LINQ+Syntax.aspx
- http://codebetter.com/blogs/matthew.podwysocki/archive/2009/12/30/much-ado-about-monads-state-edition.aspx
- http://community.bartdesmet.net/blogs/bart/archive/2008/08/19/probably-the-most-powerful-linq-operator-selectmany.aspx (zur Rolle von SelectMany() für Monad-Implementationen in C#)
- http://higherlogics.blogspot.com/2008/01/almost-type-safe-general-monad-in-c-aka.html
- http://blog.sigfpe.com/2006/10/monads-field-guide.html (interessante Visualisierung von Monads)
- http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Monad_tutorials_timeline (Linksammlung von Monad Tutorials)
- http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/What_a_Monad_is_not (zur Abgrenzung)
Wie würde ich nun Monads erklären? Hm... mal sehen. In einem zukünftigen Beitrag versuche ich das mal.